Wednesday, October 24, 2018


I had a dream that I sold short on stock for some company and the stock surged ahead and I owed something like $2 000 000.00 and ended up getting sentenced to 20 years in prison. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


The psalm tonight, 84 I believe, spoke of help in the valleys, sounded like a promise, and gave me hope and gladness. 


Colour blind racism, if everybody were treating every person as equal now, there wouldn't be a need for affirmative action or ... "equity".  

These programs are perpetuating the problem. 

Red Dawn

Real life Red Dawn:

They don't have to invade; the socialists are already here, in Toronto, Hamilton Vancouver, New York, San Fransisco, Montreal, etc...  Antifa and other leftist groups are pushing for a totalitarian socialist system of state's rights over individual's rights.

Monday, October 15, 2018


I'm not anti-establishment. I believe in the rule of law.  It's just that I believe that those laws should protect us from the government first and then from each other.  The roll of government should be to protect is from those and from nations who will attack our rights and freedoms and to safeguard our laws.