Monday, May 28, 2018

Ephesinas 4:2

For a long time, if asked what my favorite verse was, I would have told you that it was John 3:16.  The tried and true, oft' used, much quoted 3:16.  I guess what attracted me to the verse was the promise; the promise of love, forgiveness, acceptance, salvation.  It should have stayed my favourite verse, being such a noble verse of such great qualities.  As I grew, waxed and waned in my faith, it was replaced as my favourite verse.  Maybe because of the interdenominational rejection I witnessed along with the constant bickering.  My new favourite verse became Ephesians 4:5.  It held promise that all God's people were the people of God.  That there was one God, if you worshiped differently you were still worshiping Him.  I often look it up.  One day, by chance or otherwise, I said--aloud I think--Ephesians 4:2 rather than 4:5.  I don't know why, silly error.  Then, on the spot/spur of the moment, I decided to look it up.  It spoke to me at the time, and I wish I could capture the essence of what it said.  But, it seems it was meant for the moment perhaps.

P.S.  Likewise, Hebrews 13 was a resent reading that kicked me in the pants and got my attention--so much there; but, that for another post.