Friday, October 13, 2017


I had a dream a few nights ago that I had a phone app that would tell you when you had a cold and who gave it to you. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Downtown Punks?

59:6 They return at evening: they make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.  Psalms

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Log Jam 2

It appears I have another e-mail log jam; I hate this Android app.  Consequently, my blog posts may be unordered as of late e.g. "More on Fasting" before the post on fasting etc...

More on Fasting

I'm no expert on fasting, but I certainly have been less than spectacular with my sucess in the desired outcome.  In reflection,  I think fasting should be coupled with deliberate prayer, solemn prayer.  They should go hand and hand. One should foster the other.