Sunday, December 2, 2012


I may have burned a bridge on Friday, possibly two, maybe even three.  Worst of all, I showed a friend that I am treacherous, plotting, manipulative, and untrustworthy.  It was quite out of character for me; but, talk is cheap.  I surprised even myself, and acted before I fully weighed out the consequences of my actions.  I didn't act for me.  I did it for the benefit of the company I work for.  I've never really been one for advocating that the end justifies the means.  I try to hold principals high.  I've always been about duty, honor, truth, and right.  I am, and have been, a boy scout.  I surprised myself with my actions on Friday more than select others.  I tried to make a deal with the Devil, and he wasn't having any of it.  I may have to face the unpleasant consequences of my actions; this may yet blow up in my face.  Life lesson?