Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Carry The Cow

There's an old legend about a man carrying a calf every day until it was a full size cow and he became stronger and able to carry the whole cow. I just realized today for the first time that the cow is old age.  It's important to pick up the calf every day.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

If you really were an apple, you'd be red.

I was thinking about a concept last week after Sunday's Gospel reading.  Jesus was telling the Parasees that they were outwardly following the rules, but were not giving God the true worship that he desired.  More accurately, they were following the rules of man in the Temple, and were ignoring what God desired from them.  And I thought, is that what the Churches do now by bring in wokeism?  We tell people to give to the voting in socialist parties.  Remember, if you don't vote left, you don't really love Jesus?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Carbon Footprint

Charging an electric car on our power grid and saying that you are not polluting is like buying cocaine from the street dealer and saying you're not paying the cartel for your drugs.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


I was thinking about the question of why bad things happen to good people, or more accurately, why does God allow people to do bad things to others.

A passage that I read in II Samuel the other day got me thinking about some things.  And, I think, as a parent, God is showing mercy when we deserve punishment.  

Ezekiel 18:23 says that God definitely doesn't want to have to destroy us.  Yet, the same people who say that God was evil for having the Israelites destroy the other nations in the promised land, lament that He allows people to do evil things to each other.

Back to King David in II Samuel.  When David's son sexually assaulted his own father's daughter, David did not punish him.  Her brother then took vengeance into his own hands, killing his own brother.  David absolved him of the crime of killing David's own son.  Later, the same son led a rebellion against David, and David ordered his men to spare his son's life.

There seems to be no end to a father's mercy, even as the children harm each other.  I'm reminded of the Saints in the Book of Revelation 6:10 asking God how much longer would they have to wait for justice against the evil doers. 

God wants us to repent and be saved.  He does not want to destroy us.

The alternative--if they have free will--is to destroy them.  That's how God stopped the child sacrifices to the demon lords in the promised land.  He wiped out the evil people.  Same with the flood, the evil was purged from the world.

Is that what we're asking for?  Are we asking for justice?  Will we want it when it comes?

This rule is so hard to follow.

Vengeance is mine says the Lord.

Friday, August 23, 2024

A call for Salvation

Jesus Christ save me.

Super Effing Wierd

One day last week, when the NDD was attacking particularly hard because of work and the destructive habits of family members, I went to St. James park to pray the Office.  I was sitting on a park bench, candle lit, singing the appointed psalms for the day, when a young couple walked in to the park.  They walked closer, and closer, until they were standing by the bench.  I didn't want to interrupt the Office, so I continued.  I looked up, made eye contact with the dude, gave a head nod, and continued without missing a note.  It was super effing awkward.  And, I didn't want to stop either, partly because of the denying of Christ fear too.  So, they continued on, on their stroll.  

I mentioned the experience to a work colleague, who said that they may have been religious themselves, or maybe they though I was a monk or something.  🤣 Maybe they were checking it out and were just curious.

I thought after that I should have stopped.  Maybe they wanted to ask me questions.  🤷‍♂️  Maybe I missed an opportunity to witness.

Also, the thought has crossed my mind that this park is not so quiet and secluded/private as I thought it was.  There was actually a lot of traffic through the park while I was there.